Eritrean army conscripts 'killed in Asmara escape bid'

2016-04-06 20:15:05 Written by  BBC Published in English Articles Read 2538 times

From the section Africa

Eritrean Army parades during the country's independence anniversary celebrations attended by a 13,000-strong crowd 24 May 2003, at Asmara main squareImage copyright AFP Image caption Many Eritreans flee to avoid long-term conscription into the army


Security forces in Eritrea's capital Asmara have killed several young conscripts who tried to escape the convoy they were travelling in, according to opposition media outlets.

There were also civilian casualties after some of the recruits' friends and family used a bus to block the road to help them escape, according to the unconfirmed reports.

Conscription in Eritrea is compulsory.

The Eritrean authorities have not commented on the alleged incident.

Rights groups consider Eritrea to be one of the world's most repressive states.


In 2015, it ranked bottom of the World Press Freedom Index, published by media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Conscription in Eritrea can last for decades and is one of the main reasons tens of thousands flee the country every year.


Grey line

More about Eritrea:

Inside the secretive state of Eritrea

Eritrean life in pictures

The lone seven-year-olds leaving Eritrea

Last modified on Wednesday, 06 April 2016 22:44